This year, we are doing a "Welcome to KinderGARDEN" theme. We all chose a different bug or garden animal. I am doing ladybugs.
Here is the outside of my door and hallway. And YES- It is is SUPPOSED to say 'Look Who's Been SpotteD in Kindergarten'. I cut all the letters out with my Cricut and lost the "D" somewhere between my house and school. I had to cut another one out and take it back the next day. Ha ha!!!
I drew the lady bugs off and painted them- I am not really a fan of pre-made bulletin board sets. I always like to add something 3-D like the grass and flowers. As for the door... I thought about writing the names of my students on there, but I think I will leave it. Our lists change so much, I will probably just post a print off by the door. I MAY add a sign over the door that says something like, "Kindergarten is the SPOT to be" or something fun like that. Any ideas? :)
Thank you Leslie at Kindergarten Works for the wonderful blog design!!! I don't thing anything could have fit my personality any better!!!

Your blog looks great so far! I can't wait to see more. I also LOVE the bulletin boards. Cute Cute!
Kinder Kraziness
can I ask where do you get your adorable clip art???